Department of Orthodontics, Pedodontics & Preventive Medicine

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About Department of Orthodontics, Pedodontics & Preventive Medicine

This section specializes in teaching preventive and curative methods for children’s teeth such as fillings, extractions, root canals, preventive and non-preventive combinations, various surgeries that require complete anesthesia for the patient, studying the normal and abnormal growth of children’s mouth and teeth, as well as psychological development and care methods for children and patients with psychological disabilities. And mental and medical methods that require special care for dental health care, and the section also includes preventive orthodontics for children.

The department includes many awareness units:

  • Pediatric dentistry unit
  • Preventive medicine unit
  • Orthodontic unit

Facts about Department of Orthodontics, Pedodontics & Preventive Medicine

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff

Who works at the Department of Orthodontics, Pedodontics & Preventive Medicine

Department of Orthodontics, Pedodontics & Preventive Medicine has more than 18 academic staff members

staff photo

Ms. Ferial Ahmed Ali Msallam

Name: Ferial Ahmed Ali Msallam Date of Birth: 13-7-1974 Nationality: Libyan Marital Status: Married Number of children: three Academic Qualification : Master's Degree in Orthodontics Place of obtaining the academic qualification: Mansoura University - Egypt Date of obtaining the academic qualification : 13- 7- 2017 Current Academic Degree/Assistant Lecturer Date of obtaining the degree / 17 - 9 - 2019 *Attending and participating in many scientific courses and conferences in the field of dentistry at the local, Arab and international levels